About the scientist

Why do I care for demography?

For more than ten years the correlation between public health and national economy keeps me occupied. The inspiration for my engagement dates back to a meeting with the demographer Nicholas Eberstadt in October 1999. Since then a regular exchange and collaboration has evolved and will continue in the future (read more about Nicholas Eberstadt and use the link on the right). The initial point for my interest in demography was the consideration of health also as factor for productivity. Of course these interests were related to my career at Pfizer, the global leading and research-based pharmaceutical company.

The dominating influence of the demographic changes on public health and the mere quantitative shift of the averaged working life and the life expectancy inspired me to dedicate more and more to demographic questions. Thanks to my global work at Pfizer, I got the chance to work comparatively on these questions.

With my engagement at the World Demographic & Ageing Forum (WDA Forum) at the University of St. Gallen, I have the possibility to place my and the knowledge of other scientists at the disposal of a broad discourse.


Biography of Nicholas Eberstadt: www.aei.org